Place, Race, and Gender in New England Gothic Literature




Standish, ME


June 17-July 5, 2024


3 weeks


Professional Development Program

Professional Development Program Type

Professional Development Program Audience




This three-week institute for higher education faculty will examine the cultural influence of the Puritans on New England Gothic Literature, with a particular focus on horror. Participants will explore this topic through the lenses of place, race, and gender and how accounting for these socio-cultural factors can enrich the learning experiences of their students, as well as provide ways to link early American history to contemporary discourses about American identity. The schedule includes presentations from literary and history scholars, as well as an author whose work we will read. It also includes field trips to important New England locations.

Project Director(s)

Christopher Fuller; Wendy Galgan

Lecturers and Visiting Faculty

Faye Ringel; Francis Bremer; Emerson Baker; Michael Bell; Joseph Bruchac

Grantee Institution

St. Joseph's College

Funded through the Division of Education Programs