Google Translation

Google Translate Disclaimer:

The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) offers translations of its website content through software powered by a third-party service, Google Translate. Please note: NEH does not control the quality, nor guarantee the accuracy, of Google Translate or its translated text. Google Translate cannot translate all website content (for example, image buttons, drop down menus, graphics, photos, PDF files, or Word documents) and due to limitations of translation software, translations may not be exact. Anyone relying on information obtained from using Google Translate does so at his or her own risk.

NEH does not endorse Google Translate or imply that it is the only language translation solution available to users. All site visitors may choose to use other tools for their translation needs. The English version of the website is the official text and would control in the event a translation service creates a discrepancy or provides an inaccurate translation.

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