The Local and International Legacies of Nelson Hackett's Flight from Slavery, 1841-1861




Fayetteville, AR


June 20-July 1, 2022


2 weeks


Professional Development Program

Professional Development Program Type

Professional Development Program Audience



In 1841, Nelson Hackett, an enslaved man, fled both Fayetteville and bondage and made his way to Canada, where he thought he had found freedom. But his owner found him and successfully extradited him, making Hackett the first fugitive that Canada returned to slavery. He would also be the last. Using digital platforms like the Nelson Hackett Project and primary source materials and approaches, participants will return home with lesson plans that emphasize the impact fugitives like Hackett played in the nation’s sectional crisis and the century-long process of abolition and emancipation. 

Using digital platforms like the Nelson Hackett Project and primary source materials and approaches, participants will return home with lesson plans that emphasize the impact fugitives like Hackett played in the nation’s sectional crisis and the century-long process of abolition and emancipation.

Project Director(s)

Caree Banton; Tricia Starks

Lecturers and Visiting Faculty

Richard Blackett; Charlene Johnson; Déanda M. Johnson; Synetra Morris; Michael Pierce

Grantee Institution

University of Arkansas

Funded through the Division of Education Programs