Hip Hop as Humanities: Counterstories for the Canon, Classroom, and Country




Philadelphia, PA and Online


July 7 - 11, 2025 (virtual); July 14 - 18, 2025 (virtual); July 28 - August 1, 2025 (residential)


3 weeks


Professional Development Program

Professional Development Program Type

Professional Development Program Audience



"Hip Hop as Humanities: Counterstories for the Canon, Classroom, and Country" is a 3-week hybrid summer institute for 25 secondary ELA (or history) teachers (2 weeks virtual; 1 week residential in Philadelphia). The Institute is curated by H. Bernard Hall and Kareem Edouard, professors in Drexel University’s School of Education, and leading scholars in the field of Hip Hop Based Education. Through readings, authentic dialogues, professional development workshops, critical self-reflection, and collaboration, participants will work towards the goal of understanding the myriad ways Hip Hop as Humanities can promote civic engagement, social cohesion, and cross-cultural understanding for themselves, as well as their students.

Project Director(s)

H. Bernard Hall; Kareem Edouard

Lecturers and Visiting Faculty

Emery Petchauer; Jabari Evans; Lauren Leigh Kelly; Daren Graves; Michele DeVirgilio; Mariaeloisa Carambo

Grantee Institution

Drexel University

Funded through the Division of Education Programs