Fabric of the Past: Weaving the Twentieth Century at the Beaumont Mill and Village in South Carolina
Spartanburg, SC
July 10-16, 2022; July 17-23, 2022
1 week
Professional Development Program
Professional Development Program Type
Professional Development Program Audience
"Fabric of the Past: Weaving the Twentieth Century at Beaumont Mill and Village in South Carolina" uses Beaumont Mill and Village as a lens through which to explore the New South and industrialism. The workshop delves into the varied experiences of those who built, operated, and managed the mill through periods of growth and decline. "Fabric of the Past" also introduces participants to the skills and sources of community history and supports teachers as they develop an inquiry using the Inquiry Design Model. We hope teachers exit with a desire to uncover untold stories in their own communities.
Project Director(s)
Paul Grady; Rebecca Mueller
Lecturers and Visiting Faculty
Wren Bareiss; David Carlton; Ann Merryman; Andy Myers
Grantee Institution
University of South Carolina Upstate
Funded through the Division of Education Programs