Arizona-Sonora Borderlands, Palimpsest of Cultures




Tucson, AZ


June 20-24, 2022; July 18-22, 2022


1 week


Professional Development Program

Professional Development Program Type

Professional Development Program Audience




The Arizona-Sonora Borderlands is a palimpsest of continuous human habitation dating back to at least 1200 BCE. It is a landscape whose settlements preface the famous Hohokam farmers of southern and central Arizona and their Native descendants, Spanish colonialism, Anglo settler-colonists, and 20th-century Sunbelt City booms and busts. For this NEH-sponsored summer 2022 Landmarks program, we approach the rich history of human occupation in the Arizona-Sonora borderlands as a laboratory for investigating present-day issues facing the Humanities.

Project Director(s)

Jeffrey Banister; Jennifer Jenkins; Carlos Quintero

Lecturers and Visiting Faculty

Jeffrey Banister; Jennifer Jenkins; Michael Brescia; Robin Reineke; Paul Fish; Susan Fish; Daniel Duncan; Stacie Widdifield; Kimi Eisele; David Yetman; Alexandra Vázquez; Carlos Quintero; Jesús García; Dwayne Manuel; David Seibert; Bernard Siquieros; Mary Page Taylor

Grantee Institution

University of Arizona

Funded through the Division of Education Programs