Duchamp Research Portal
Division of Preservation and Access

Duchamp, Marcel. "Study for Glider." Drawing. 35 mm slide
Philadelphia Museum of Art, Library & Archives
Gift of Jacqueline, Paul and Peter Matisse in memory of their mother Alexina Duchamp
Philadelphia Museum of Art

Duchamp, Marcel. "Study for Glider." Drawing. 35 mm slide
Philadelphia Museum of Art, Library & Archives
Gift of Jacqueline, Paul and Peter Matisse in memory of their mother Alexina Duchamp
Philadelphia Museum of Art
The Duchamp Research Portal collates material from a number of museum collections and archival repositories to provide a free online research tool to discover the life and work of French painter and sculptor Marcel Duchamp. The online resource digitally aggregates materials relating to the life and work of one of the most influential artists of the modern era. Duchamp changed the way that we think about art, and his work represents a legacy that informs our understanding of the development of modern and contemporary art.
Created through a partnership between the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Paris’ Centre Pompidou, and the Association Marcel Duchamp, the portal includes two sections: Documents and Museum Collections, and features nearly 50,000 images of digitized archival documents and related metadata, including photographs, plans, correspondence, exhibition ephemera, drawings, and more. Read more about the NEH-supported Duchamp Research Portal at Smithsonian Magazine.