
Dante: Inferno to Paradise

Division of Public Programs

Photo caption

In this detail of a fresco by Joseph Anton Koch, circa 1825–1828, Dante’s Inferno, the sins of fraud are punished.

—Wikimedia Commons

Ric Burns' two-part film Dante: Inferno to Paradise combines reenactments, scholar interviews, and archival materials to depict the life and literary legacy of famed 14th-century poet, Dante Alighieri. The four-hour documentary foregrounds Dante's most renowned work, The Divine Comedy, woven together with the story of Dante's life and the process of writing his epic masterpiece.  

Read a review of Dante: Inferno to Paradise at the Wall Street Journal and learn more about the film in NEH’s HUMANITIES Magazine

The NEH-supported documentary Dante: Inferno to Paradise is available to stream through PBS

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