Town Hall Meet­ing at Warner Li­brary Fo­cuses on “Re­vis­it­ing the Found­ing Era”

(October 5, 2019)

The is­sues which con­fronted Amer­ica dur­ing its ear­li­est years and how they con­tinue to res­onate in our lives to­day will be the sub­jects of “Re­vis­it­ing the Found­ing Era,” a Town Hall meet­ing open to the pub­lic on Wednes­day evening, Oc­to­ber 16, at Warner Li­brary.

Four sig­nif­i­cant pe­ri­ods dur­ing the na­tion’s for­ma­tion will be ex­am­ined by four lo­cal schol­ars of Amer­i­can his­tory.  Ques­tions and com­ments from the au­di­ence will also be sought. The free event, to be­gin at 7 p.m., is a co-pre­sen­ta­tion of Warner Li­brary and The Hud­son In­de­pen­dent.

De­clar­ing In­de­pen­dence, Re­al­iz­ing In­de­pen­dence, Cre­at­ing the Con­sti­tu­tion, and Gov­ern­ing the New Na­tion are the four high­lighted pe­ri­ods to be dis­cussed by the pan­elists.

Warner Li­brary, un­der the guid­ance of its Di­rec­tor, Mau­reen Petry, was one of 100 pub­lic li­braries across the na­tion to have been awarded a $1,000 grant from the Gilder Lehrman In­sti­tute of Amer­i­can His­tory, to pur­sue ac­tiv­i­ties pub­li­ciz­ing “The Found­ing Er­a’s” con­cepts and how they in­flu­ence the na­tion to­day. The In­sti­tute had re­ceived a $400,000 grant from the Na­tional En­dow­ment for the Hu­man­i­ties, (NEH), to “spark pub­lic con­ver­sa­tions about the Found­ing Er­a’s en­dur­ing ideas and themes.”

The Hudson Independent…