Maria Mitchell, the first American woman to work as a professional astronomer, once said, “Let us secure not such books as people want, but books just above their wants, and they will reach up to take what is put out for them.”
With such sentiments in mind, the award-winning NEH website, EDSITEment, has created a comprehensive recommended summer reading list that links users to relevant lesson plans and recommended websites that have been reviewed for content and accessibility. Based on the College Board’s recommended reading for college-bound students, the list is mainly intended for soon-to-be undergraduates. But lifelong learners interested in cultural and personal enrichment will also find the resource useful.
The list is divided into seven categories: Fiction, Drama, Poetry, Non-Fiction and Autobiography, Government, Religion and Philosophy, and Mythology, Folklore, Fairytales. It includes works by some of the world’s best authors and every effort is made to appeal to a broad range of interests.
To access EDSITEment’s recommended summer reading list, click here.