NEH Awards Inaugural Humanities Connections Grants

Today, the National Endowment for the Humanities announced $1.6 million in funding for 18 projects that will allow undergraduate students at two- and four-year colleges and universities across the country to develop the intellectual skills and habits of mind that the humanities cultivate. Each grant will fund the development of a series of three or more interdisciplinary courses that immerse students in meaningful, high-impact activities related to the common topic, theme, or issue linking the courses.
For each of the projects receiving grants in this first round of Humanities Connections, the interdisciplinary focus of the courses aims to bridge the traditional academic divide between the humanities and non-humanities fields such as business, engineering, and the health sciences.
“Through this grant, all students can benefit from studying the humanities, no matter what their major,” said NEH Chairman William D. Adams. “Each of the new course series being developed through Humanities Connections will foster the innovative type of thinking that creates engaged citizens and productive professionals.”
It is well established that the type of experiential learning encouraged by this new program plays an important role in getting students to engage with classroom content. A hands-on, problem-solving approach to an academic subject allows them to put what they are learning into practice in the real world. Some of the ways students in Humanities Connections courses will learn include:
- Engaging with community-based organizations to help solve intractable problems
- Creating a safe setting for patients through medical internships
- Leading workshops for area high school teachers and students
- Collaborating with other students to create a virtual museum
To see the full list of grantees, please click here.