Funding Opportunity for


Scholarly Editions and Translations

Maximum award amount

$300,000 in outright funds; up to $450,000 may be available if requesting at least $150,000 in matching funds.

Expected Output

Annotated Edition; Annotated Translation; Digital Edition; Print Volume

Period of performance

One to three years

The Scholarly Editions and Translations program provides grants to organizations to support collaborative teams who are editing, annotating, and translating foundational humanities texts that are vital to generating new scholarship but are inaccessible or only available in inadequate editions or translations. Works from any humanities field may be the subject of an edition. Since the program’s inception in 1966, the NEH has funded editions and translations of some of the most significant historical, literary, philosophical, and music texts. 

The program supports continuous full-time or part-time activities during the period of performance of one to three years. Typical project expenses include salary for editorial and research activities, travel to collections to verify source material, and consultant fees for translation, editorial work, and the implementation of a digital edition. Editions and translations may be print, digital, or a combination of both, but all editions and translations must contain additional and new scholarly material such as introductions, annotations, and critical apparatus. The Scholarly Editions and Translations program includes two funding levels: Planning and Implementation.

What’s new for 2024

  • The individual designated as the project director for a Scholarly Editions and Translation project may not serve as the project director for any other Scholarly Editions and Translation project during the period of performance. A project director may serve as a co-director for other projects.
  • Projects not applying for a planning grant are considered implementation grant applications.
  • Undergraduate students are prohibited from performing translation work for projects.
  • The program does not support the preparation of anthologies or sourcebooks.
  • Applicants receiving matching funds must raise and certify all eligible gifts and pledges six months before the end of the period of performance.

New Opportunities for International Collaboration with Greece and Israel:

Collaborative projects involving U.S.-based scholars working closely with scholars in Greece or Israel should read about new international collaboration opportunities that could provide additional funding.  More information about these Partnership Opportunity Notifications (PONs) can be found here.

View the Scholarly Editions and Translation Pre-Application Webinar here:

Examples of Projects Funded by this Grant Program


Application Instructions

Register for a SAM number and an account on

When you are ready to apply, register for an account with and; both are required. If you already have completed the registrations, make sure they are current. 

Complete your application package

Follow the instructions outlined in the Notice of Funding Opportunity and 

Submit your application package on

You will receive a confirmation from when you've successfully submitted your application. 

Verify you have received email messages from

After you submit your application, will send you up to five e-mail messages confirming receipt of your application. These messages represent different stages in the application acceptance process. You should verify that you have received all confirmation messages. Please note that email filters may send these messages to your spam or junk folder.