Video of National Digital Newspaper Program Lightning Round Talks 2012

NDNP 2012 Annual Conference Lightning Talks
Courtesy the National Endowment for the Humanities

NDNP 2012 Annual Conference Lightning Talks
Courtesy the National Endowment for the Humanities
National Digital Newspaper Program Lightning Round Talks 2012 (Click here for video)
As a collaborative effort, the National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP) capitalizes on the willingness of participating projects to share information with state partners on lessons learned and successful strategies. New projects profit from the experience of ongoing projects and all participants learn from the multiple perspectives of the various NDNP partners--from state libraries and archives to historical societies and universities.
Every year, representatives from the ongoing state projects meet in Washington, DC to introduce new projects to the program, discuss progress in their state, and recommend new directions for the NDNP. At the 2012 meeting, staff from several projects made presentations on how they are improving project management, promoting use of their state newspaper collection and of Chronicling America, and expanding digitization programs. Some of these presentations were captured in “Lighting Talks” viewable here.
Lightning Talks (Click on the links to jump to a specific talk)
1 meta|morphosis. Kopana Terry, Kentucky Digital Newspaper Program.
2 Social Media for Project Management. Laura Charney, Louisiana Digital Newspaper Program.
3 Spreading the Aloha Word. Erenst Anip, Hawai’i Digital Newspaper Program.
4 Gateway to Oklahoma History. Chad Williams, Oklahoma Digital Newspaper Program.
5 Promotion to Different Audiences. Birdie MacLennan and Tom McMurdo, Vermont Digital Newspaper Program. (PowerPoint Presentation slides available)
7 ODNP Assessment. Karen Estlund and Sheila Rabun, Oregon Digital Newspaper Program. (PowerPoint Presentation slides available)
8 A "Good Enough" METS/ALTO Compiler. Brian Geiger, California Digital Newspaper Program.