Taking TEI Further: Teaching and Publication


Northeastern University in Boston, MA


Various dates, 2012-2014



Starting in spring 2012, the WWP has a grant from the NEH Institutes in Advanced Topics in Digital Humanities for a series of nine advanced seminars on using the Text Encoding Initiative (a standard for the representation of texts in digital form) to be held in 2012-2014 at Brown University (2012 and 2013) and Northeastern University (2014). Travel funding will be available for participants.

This advanced seminar series focuses on three topics, each of which will be offered once in 2014: 1) TEI Customization: Developing Custom Schemas with TEI 2) Publishing and Transforming TEI Data: XSLT for Digital Humanities Projects 3) Teaching with TEI: Text Encoding in the Humanities Classroom

Funding InformationDetails About This Grant

Project Director(s)

Julia Flanders

Funded through the Office of Digital Humanities