
Videos of 2015 Digital Humanities Implementation Grantees

January 4, 2016
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Thunder and Lighning, Camille Flammarion, 1905

We are very pleased to present the videos from the 2015 Office of Digital Humanities Project Directors Meeting, which was held September 25, 2015 at NEH headquarters at the Constitution Center in Washington, DC. This meeting convened the top researchers in the digital humanities from across the United States, who shared their projects in short, three-minute lightning round presentations. Enjoy these videos from project directors of NEH's Digital Humanities Implementation Grants.

Click any link to go directly to the video.

Acoustical Modeling in Historical Research, John Wall & David Hill, North Carolina State University

Immigrant Stories, Elizabeth Venditto, University of Minnesota

Reading the First Books: Multilingual, Early-Modern OCR for Primeros Libros, Hannah Alpert-Abrams & Sergio Romero, University of Texas at Austin

Enhancing and Sustaining, Allen Tullos, Emory University

Implementing Scalar for Digital Humanities Multimodal Online Publishing: Editorial and Authorial Workflow in Collaboration, Curtis Fletcher, University of Southern California

Pleiades 3, Tom Elliott, New York University