ODH at TEN: Our Tenth Anniversary Project Directors Meeting

Image by Andrea Heiss, NEH

Image by Andrea Heiss, NEH
Ten years ago, on March 25, 2008, at a special event held at the Folger Shakespeare Library, the NEH announced the creation of a new office: The Office of Digital Humanities.
On Friday, February 9, 2018, please join us at NEH headquarters in Washington, DC to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Office of Digital Humanities. The “ODH at Ten” celebration will be part of our project directors meeting, an annual event in which we invite the public to the NEH to hear lightning round talks from all of our funded projects during the past year.
We’re hoping many of our ODH friends and colleagues over the years can join us for this special event. Can’t make it in person? On February 9th, follow the hashtag #ODHatTEN or post your own blog posts, videos, or thoughts about how the ODH has impacted your career or your field.
Meeting Highlights:
- Exciting lightning round presentations from 45 projects funded during 2017 covering a wide range of topics in the humanities.
- A keynote from Kate Zwaard, Chief of National Digital Initiatives at the Library of Congress, who will talk about the new LC Labs.
- A keynote by and conversation with from the Honorable John Unsworth, NEH National Council Member and University Librarian and Dean of Libraries at the University of Virginia, who will reflect on the impact of the Office of Digital Humanities.
- Special short guest spiels from long-time grantees about how the work of the ODH has impacted their careers. Signed up so far: Julia Flanders (Northeastern), Jesse Casana (Dartmouth), Greg Crane (Tufts), Amanda French (George Washington), Dan Cohen (Northeastern), Michele Weigle (Old Dominion), Matt Kirschenbaum (University of Maryland).
- Birthday cake!
Registration Information
Doors open at noon and we'll start at 12:30PM sharp. There is no charge to attend, but you must register in advance to get on our visitors list [edit: as of 2/5, registration is now closed! If you need to reach us, please e-mail @email]. (Remember to leave some time to go through our security.) The NEH is located in the Constitution Center, located directly above the L'Enfant Plaza Metro (use the D & 7th St. exit). Here are directions to the NEH.
Meeting Agenda
Constitution Center Conference Center (Rooms A-B-C)
12:00 – 12:30: Attendees arrive and take their seats
12:30 – 12:35: Welcoming remarks from Jon Parrish Peede, Senior Deputy Chairman, NEH
12:35 – 1:15: Keynote address from Kate Zwaard, Library of Congress
1:15 – 2:15: Lightning Round I: DH Advancement Grants – Levels I & II
2:15 – 2:25: Break
2:25 – 3:25: Lightning Round II: DH Advancement Grants – Levels II & III and Institutes for Advanced Topics in DH
3:25 – 3:35: Break
3:35 – 5:15: ODH at Ten: A Conversation with John Unsworth and Special Guest Talks
5:15 – Cake!
Hashtag: #ODHatTen