DHI is Now ODH

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I'm very happy to say that on Tuesday, March 25, at a special event at the Folger Shakespeare Library here in Washington, DC, Chairman Bruce Cole is announcing that the Digital Humanities Initiative is now a permanent office here at the NEH. Our new name is the Office of Digital Humanities (ODH). Time to get those new business cards printed, I suppose!
To celebrate our new name, we have also created a brand-new web presence. We hope that this new web page will be a great resource for information about the NEH and our support for digital humanities. With the new web page, we have transitioned our DHI Update e-mail newsletter into the new web-based ODH Update you are reading right now. By keeping it on the web, it will be easier for us to update it more frequently with information about digital humanities grants, issues, news, and events. We hope you add ODH Update to your favorite RSS/blog/news reader software so you can stay up-to-date with our latest goings on.