New York focuses on recovery After Sandy

"Sandy was here." Arm-of-the-Sea Productions, Inc., Malden on Hudson, NY.
New York Council for the Humanities

"Sandy was here." Arm-of-the-Sea Productions, Inc., Malden on Hudson, NY.
New York Council for the Humanities
The New York Council for the Humanities has just announced the creation of an AfterSandy Network to help people connect to share tools and tips and request help following disasters like Hurricanes Sandy (2012) and Irene (2011), and Tropical Storm Lee (2011). A community of skilled volunteers is a wonderful resource to have on hand to help organizations bounce back more quickly after disasters and the New York Council for the Humanities will help facilitate this work.
Any organization in New York State that was affected by Sandy, or other past disasters, or those willing to help in times of crisis are welcome to join the AfterSandy Network Google group. Participants will be able to share contact information, expertise, ask questions, and describe any tasks that require assistance.
The AfterSandy Network is a private, question and answer web forum; anyone can join, but only members of the group will be able to read what is posted. For more information or to request an invitation to join this group, contact the New York Council for the Humanities.