
State Humanities Council Approaches to Serving Immigrants and to Telling Their State’s Migration Stories

October 24, 2014
State humanities council programs for and about immigrants
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State humanities council programs for and about immigrants

Federal/State Partnership

The material collected in the attached PDF is a sampling of the work state humanities councils do for their states’ immigrant and diverse communities and the ways they approach migration and immigration history and culture. It draws primarily on responses to queries about this work posted on the Federation of State Humanities Council’s listserves, information provided in 2014 interim narrative reports, self-assessment reports, and councils’ electronic media. Most of these examples are current.

The report begins with the Museum on Main Street exhibition Journey Stories because all the councils that have hosted it have supported complementary programming that tells stories of migration and immigration. After six years on the road, this exhibition closes in 2014.

Following the material about Journey Stories, the presentations and program descriptions are organized by state. Key words identify each council’s approaches. A chart of the approaches to the topics of migration and immigration and the councils that use them is on page 15.

State humanities councils, immigrants, and immigration stories