Constance M. Carroll
Council Member

Term Dates
Constance M. Carroll has served as Chancellor of the San Diego Community College District since 2004. Prior to becoming Chancellor, Dr. Carroll served as president of three community colleges in California and also worked with two universities. Ms. Carroll's board service has included the American Council on Education, American Association of Community Colleges, League for Innovation, California Council for the Humanities, Maine Humanities Council, NEH Panel on Museums and Historical Societies, and the Community College Humanities Association. Among many honors, Dr. Carroll received the national Association of Community College Trustees’ “Marie Y. Martin CEO Award,” recognizing her as the top-rated community college CEO in the nation, and the Harry Buttimer Award, which is the top honor for a California Community College CEO. She received her BA in Humanities from Duquesne University and a PhD in Classics from the University of Pittsburgh.