NEH/Trans-Atlantic Platform: Democracy, Governance, and Trust

Together with ten international members of the Trans-Atlantic Platform for Social Sciences and Humanities (T-AP), the National Endowment for the Humanities and the National Science Foundation are representing the United States in a one-time collaborative grant program on the topic “Democracy, Governance, and Trust” (DGT). Collaborating teams that meet the eligibility criteria may apply for three years of support; NEH and the National Science Foundation will support U.S.-based awardees.
The world is facing exceptional social, economic, technological, environmental, and geopolitical challenges, including migration, climate change, an energy crisis, war, conflict, political extremism, erosion of democratic institutions, protest, violence, corruption, and growing public distrust of governance and expertise. With this special call, T-AP strives to support research that develops diverse methodological, disciplinary, and cross-national perspectives on these topics, their causes, and dynamics. Competitive projects will seek deeper understanding of the challenges and maximize opportunities to strengthen democracy, improve governance, and build trust for the benefit of all.
Applicants must consult the T-AP Call for Proposals, application instructions, and additional information at
U.S. researchers seeking money from NEH must also follow the instructions included in the NEH T-AP DGT Addendum 2023. In addition, applicants seeking NEH support must submit the budget documents outlined in NEH T-AP Budget Instructions and an SF424 coversheet. The NEH-specific addendum, instructions, and form are provided below.
T-AP will conduct a webinar on August 8, 2023, at 10 AM BRT, for those interested in submitting applications. To register for the T-AP webinar, go here:
NEH and National Science Foundation will conduct a webinar, hosted by NSF, on August 15, 2023, at 4 PM EDT, for projects with American collaborators. To register for the NEH/NSF webinar, go here:
Applicants should be aware of the following dates in the T-AP Call for Proposals.
- September 29, 2023: Deadline to submit the required Notice of Intent to Apply.
- November 6, 2023: Deadline to submit full application. Late applications will not be accepted.
- July-August 2024: Notification of awards.
- September 2024: Grant start date.
Questions about the program and NEH’s participation should be directed to Deputy Director Russell Wyland in the Division of Research Programs at @email.