NEH Accepting DLI-DEL Fellowships Applications

This map shows the geographic distribution of language communities served by DLI-DEL Fellowship holders from 2006 to 2020.

This map shows the geographic distribution of language communities served by DLI-DEL Fellowship holders from 2006 to 2020.
The Division of Research Programs is announcing the availability of Dynamic Language Infrastructure – Documenting Endangered Languages (DLI-DEL) Fellowships, part of the Dynamic Language Infrastructure – Documenting Endangered Languages (DLI-DEL) program jointly funded by NEH and the National Science Foundation (NSF).
DLI-DEL Fellowships support scholarly analysis and documentation of an estimated 7,000 languages that are at risk of extinction across the globe. Applications for DLI-DEL Fellowships are submitted by and awarded to individuals (not institutions or organizations). See this link for a list of past awards.
Fellowship awards can be from six to twelve months with a monthly stipend of $5,000, making the minimum award $30,000 and the maximum $60,000. Please consult the Notice of Funding Opportunity for DLI-DEL Fellowships for further details on how to apply.
A pre-application webinar DLI-DEL Fellowships: What's New and Application Tips is being offered on August 31, 2:00 PM, EDT. Please register at Closed captioning is available.
For information about related institutional Senior Research Grants through NEH and NSF, please see the program pages at NEH’s Division of Preservation & Access and NSF.