Announcing New ODH Awards (August 2022)

Watch purchased by Susan B. Anthony with money from her first paycheck, around 1838.
Credit: National Museum of American History. ID Number PL.026165.

Watch purchased by Susan B. Anthony with money from her first paycheck, around 1838.
Credit: National Museum of American History. ID Number PL.026165.
The Office of Digital Humanities is pleased to announce eighteen awards through our Digital Humanities Advancement Grants program and three awards through the Institutes for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities program.
These projects are part of a larger slate of 226 awards announced by NEH. Congratulations to all the award recipients as they begin these exciting new projects! [View a map of awardees]
Digital Humanities Advancement Grants
This program is funded in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services. Projects supported through this partnership are indicated by an asterisk (*) in the list below. Learn more about the DHAG program.
Bard College
Outright: $150,000
Project Director(s): Aaron Glass; Judith Berman (University of Victoria)
Project Title: Enhancing Accessibility of Site Content in Scalar for the Digital Publication of Indigenous Cultural Heritage Materials
Project Description: The development of additional features and extensions for the Scalar multimedia platform to better allow scholars and publishers to produce works by and about indigenous cultural and linguistic content.
Brown University
Outright: $350,000
Project Director(s): Linford Fisher; Ashley Champagne
Project Title: Stolen Relations: Recovering Stories of Indigenous Enslavement in the Americas
Project Description: The migration of an existing database and the development of an updated public interface and search engine for the Stolen Relations project, along with outreach activities with local New England tribal communities.
Center for Research Libraries (Note: Project will be moving to the Internet Archive)
Outright: $49,698
Project Director(s): Thomas Padilla; Rachael Samberg (University of California, Berkeley)
Project Title: Legal Legacies for Cross-Border Text Data Mining
Project Description: A series of roundtables and the development of case studies on ethical and legal issues for U.S.-based humanities researchers around data mining of large-scale textual collections held outside of the United States.
Dartmouth College*
Outright: $349,368; Match $50,000
Project Director(s): Edward Miller; Douglas Boyd (University of Kentucky)
Project Title: Visualizing Oral Histories: New Data Annotation and Visualization Tools for the Oral History Metadata Synchronizer
Project Description: The development and release of new features for the Oral History Metadata Synchronizer platform used by librarians and archivists to annotate and share oral history collections online.
Harvard University
Outright: $199,688
Project Director(s): Lukas Klic
Project Title: Metapolis: Spatializing Histories through Archival Sources
Project Description: The creation of geospatial enhancements to an existing digital infrastructure that will allow users to link to other scholarship, generate new research, and publish findings.
Harvard University
Outright: $50,000
Project Director(s): Rosie Bsheer
Project Title: Turath: Arabian Peninsula Digital Archive
Project Description: The design and development of a prototype of a digital library repository of archival materials on the history of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.
History Center in Tompkins County
Outright: $145,634
Project Director(s): Eve Snyder
Project Title: HistoryForge: Mapping Census Data to Visualize Local History
Project Description: The development of new features and expansion of the user base for the free and open-source HistoryForge, a digital public humanities project that brings census records together with historical maps into one interface that fosters research and teaching of local histories.
Pennsylvania State University
Outright: $150,000
Project Director(s): Elizabeth Mansfield; James Wang, Jia Li
Project Title: After Constable’s Clouds: Toward A Machine-Learning Paradigm for Studying Pictorial Realism
Project Description: The further development of computer vision methods to compare and classify features in paintings, specifically those from the Barbizon, Realist, and Impressionist traditions.
Saint Louis University
Outright: $149,835
Project Director(s): Atria Larson
Project Title: Gallery of Glosses
Project Description: The prototyping and testing of a web platform for sharing digitized medieval manuscripts that allows users to identify and transcribe the annotations and marginalia.
Vanderbilt University
Outright: $ 149,950
Project Director(s): Lynn Ramey; Jacob Abell (Baylor University)
Project Title: Brendan’s Voyage: An Immersive Environment for Medieval Language and Culture
Project Description: The creation of a virtual immersive environment to provide training to students in medieval languages and cultures.
University of Arizona
Outright: $49,983
Project Director(s): Erika Gault
Project Title: Connected Faith: A Digital Black Religion Project
Project Description: The research and planning for a new digital resource focusing on historical intersections of Black religious practices and technology.
University of Arizona
Outright: $49,428
Project Director(s): Bryan Carter; Rashida Braggs (Williams College)
Project Title: Preserving BIPOC Expatriates’ Memories During Wartime and Beyond
Project Description: Research into the best practices for designing and preserving volumetric recordings of individuals for the purpose of teaching and learning history and culture in cultural heritage organizations.
University of Central Florida
Outright: $147,405
Project Director(s): Lori Walters; Joseph Kider
Project Title: MemoryScan: Humanizing Digital Twin Environments
Project Description: The development of 3D virtual reality methods to help elicit memory recall from current and former residents of a community in Florida, with the goal of studying how this technique can aid in collecting and documenting oral histories.
University of Maine
Outright: $150,000
Project Director(s)(s): Anne Knowles
Project Title: Placing the Holocaust: A Digital Platform for Exploring the Intersecting Places of Victims and Perpetrators
Project Description: The development of a new research and learning platform that brings together spatial and linguistic data extracted from historical records and oral histories to support and teach spatial studies of the Holocaust.
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Outright: $224,688
Project Director(s): Emiliano Ricciardi
Project Title: Software Enhancements for the Digital Edition of the Settings of Torquato Tasso’s Poetry, ca. 1570–1640
Project Description: The enhancement of the digital editing platform that undergirds the Tasso in Music Project by incorporating additional accessibility features and analytical tools.
University of Missouri System
Outright: $149,999
Project Director(s): Viviana Grieco; Praveen Rao
Project Title: A Knowledge Graph for Managing and Analyzing Spanish-American Notary Records
Project Description: The continued development of computational methods to analyze and process handwritten scripts from 17th-century documents.
University of Southern California
Outright: $150,000
Project Director(s): Peter Mancall; Curtis Fletcher; Sean Fraga
Project Title: Booksnake: Building and Testing an Augmented Reality Tool for Embodied Interaction with Existing Digitized Archival Materials
Project Description: The development of a prototype application that will allow users to view and manipulate digitized archival materials in augmented reality as well as an evaluation of its potential as a teaching tool for the humanities
University of Southern California
Outright: $150,000
Project Director(s): Lynn Dodd; Sabina Zonno
Project Title: A Woman’s Ancient Manuscript in Virtual Space
Project Description: The further development of an immersive VR experience that allows users to explore and study an illuminated manuscript from the 15th century
Institutes for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities
Alexandria Archive Institute, Inc.
Outright: $249,879
Project Director(s): Leigh Lieberman
Project Title: Network Archaeological Data and Communities
Project Description: A virtual and in-person institute supporting 15 participants over three years teaching methods for managing and publishing digital archaeological data.
University of Connecticut
Outright: $249,566
Project Director(s): Tom Scheinfeldt
Project Title: Remote Collaboration Methods and Best Practices for Digital Humanities Scholarship
Project Description: A one-year virtual institute focused on training humanities scholars to manage remote teams collaborating on digital projects.
Columbia University
Outright: $247,399
Project Director(s): Matthew Connelly; Courtney Chartier
Project Title: Archives as Data
Project Description: A series of workshops for historians and archivists on approaches to working with large-scale collections of digitized and born-digital historical records.