U.S. Newspaper Program
To ensure that America's historical newspapers will be available for its citizens, the NEH conducted from 1982 to 2011 the United States Newspaper Program (USNP). The USNP was a cooperative national effort among the states and the federal government to locate, catalog, and preserve on microfilm newspapers published in the United States from the eighteenth century to the present. With NEH funding and technical assistance from the Library of Congress, all state projects were successfully completed.
While NEH no longer makes USNP awards, it supports the digitization of selected United States newspapers through the National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP), in partnership with the Library of Congress. More information about the NDNP is available at http://www.neh.gov/projects/ndnp.html. To view the digital resource being produced through NDNP by the Library of Congress, go to the Chronicling America website at: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/.
U.S. Newspaper Program Participants
The USNP supported projects in each of the fifty states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Each project was conducted by a single organization within a state or territory, usually the state's largest newspaper repository. Project's staff inventoried holdings in public libraries, county courthouses, newspaper offices, historical museums, college and university libraries, archives, and historical societies. Catalog records were entered into a national database maintained by the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) and accessible worldwide through WorldCat. Microfilm copies of newspapers are generally available to researchers anywhere in the country through inter-library loan.
We have listed NEH awards in support of USNP projects. The dollar amount includes funds for planning, for implementation, and for the continuation of multi-stage projects. The list provides the approximate number of titles and newspaper pages that were cataloged and microfilmed.
Please note: e-mail addresses and URLs may not be current. Also, not all institutions maintain a Web site specifically for their USNP projects.
In addition to state projects, the Endowment funded the cataloging of newspapers at eight national repositories. Each of these libraries has extensive newspaper collections containing titles from most of the 50 states. The Library of Congress, with its own fiscal resources, also participated in the USNP as a national repository.
The Alabama Coalition for the Preservation of Newspapers (CPAN) was responsible for the production of over 19.6 million pages of newspaper microfilm in the state. The Alabama Department of Archives and History serves as the repository for CPAN master microfilm produced using NEH USNP grant funds as well as the microfilm members continued to produce after the end of the project. The project received $571,563 in NEH support.
Tracey Berezansky
Assistant Director for Government Records
Alabama Department of Archives and History
P.O. Box 300100
Montgomery, AL 36130-0100
telephone: 334-242-4435
e-mail: Tracey.Berezansky@archives.alabama.gov
Web site: http://www.archives.alabama.gov/newsmicro/search.cfm
The project has microfilmed 100,000 pages of such papers as the Forty-Ninth Star and the Esquimaux, an 1866 newspaper for men laying Western Union's overland line. Included are handwritten newspapers from before the U.S. purchase of Alaska. The project received $650,190 in NEH support.
Historical Collections
Alaska State Library
P.O. Box 110571
Juneau, AK 99811-0571
telephone: 907-465-2926
e-mail: asl.historical@eed.state.ak.us
Web site: http://library.state.ak.us/hist/newspaper/newspaper.html
The Arizona project has microfilmed over 1,212,881 pages of newsprint from 57 towns in all 15 counties of the state. Titles preserved include the Williams News, the Arizona Record, the Copper Era, and El Sol. Holdings are searchable online by title, city, county, and subject. The project received $1,033,226 in NEH support.
Antonio Bucci
Librarian, Law and Research Library Division
Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records
1700 West Washington Street, Suite 300
Phoenix, AZ 85007
telephone: 602-542-3701
e-mail: abucci@lib.az.us
Web site: http://www.lib.az.us/anp/
The Arkansas Newspaper Project has cataloged 3,400 titles, including the first Arkansas Gazette published in 1819. The project received $659,854 in NEH support.
Andrea Cantrell
Head, Research Services
Special Collections Department
University of Arkansas Libraries
365 North Ozark Avenue
Fayetteville, AR 72701-4002
telephone: 479-575-7251
e-mail: acantrel@uark.edu
Web site: http://libinfo.uark.edu/specialcollections/about/overview.asp
Among the 15,500 newspapers cataloged and the 1.5 million pages microfilmed in California are the Alpine Argus and the O Lavrador Portuguez. The holdings date from 1846 and include publications in Spanish, Chinese, Armenian, and thirty-six other languages. The project received $6,967,377 in NEH support.
Dr. Brian Geiger
Center for Bibliographic Studies and Research University of California, Riverside
900 University Avenue
INTN M1006
Riverside, CA 92521
telephone: 951-827-5841
e-mail: bgeiger@ucr.edu
website: http://cnp.ucr.edu
Participant in NDNP: http://cnp.ucr.edu
Colorado newspapers such as the Avalanche Echo, the Durango Wage Earner, and the Rocky Mountain News are among the 1.7 million pages microfilmed. The project received $345,438 in NEH support.
Colorado Historical Society
1300 Broadway
Denver, CO 80203
telephone: 303-866-4661
Web site: http://www.coloradohistory.org/chs_Library/research_coll_files/rc_newspapers.htm
The Connecticut Newspaper Project has microfilmed 1,094,446 pages and cataloged 7,161 titles of papers dating back to the 1755 Connecticut Gazette. The project received $1,932,416 in NEH support.
Jane F. Cullinane
Collection Management Unit, Connecticut State Library
231 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106-1537
telephone: 860-757-6525 or 860-757-6527
e-mail: jcullinane@cslib.org
Web site: https://ctstatelibrary.org/collections/newspapers/
Participant in NDNP beginning in 2013
The project has microfilmed 700,000 pages, including the state's first newspaper, the 1781 Delaware Gazette. The project received $405,371 in NEH support.
Craig A. Wilson
Assistant Director for Library Collections
University of Delaware Library
Newark, DE 19717-5267
telephone: 302-831-6908
e-mail: cwilson@udel.edu
Web site: https://library.udel.edu/ddnp/
The project, which has cataloged 1,600 titles, including ethnic, religious, and immigrant newspapers, received $141,529 in NEH support.
Jerry A. McCoy
Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library
Washingtoniana Division
901 G Street, NW, Room 307
Washington, DC 20001
telephone: 202-727-1199
e-mail: jerry.mccoy@dc.gov
Web site: https://www.dclibrary.org/node/35995
The Florida Newspaper Project has microfilmed 785,690 pages of papers such as the Okaloosa Messenger, the Tropical Sun, and the Pelican. The project received $678,628 in NEH support.
Cathleen L. Martyniak
Preservation Officer and Head, Auxiliary Library Facility
George A. Smathers Libraries
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611
telephone: 352-273-2830
e-mail: cmook@ufl.edu
Web site: http://www.uflib.ufl.edu/fnp/
Participant in NDNP: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/newspapers
The Georgia Newspaper Project, in operation since 1953, microfilms 220 current newspapers on an ongoing basis and has filmed historic newspapers dating as early as the 18th century. GNP has filmed newspapers from each county in Georgia that has published a newspaper.The project received $557,550 in NEH support. A project by the Digital Library of Georgia is bringing a growing number of 19th and early 20th century titles to the Web.
Jeannie Ledford or Toby Graham
Digital Library of Georgia, Georgia Newspaper Project
University of Georgia Libraries
Athens, GA 30602-1641
telephone: 706-542-2131
e-mail: jledford@uga.edu or tgraham@uga.edu
Web site: http://www.libs.uga.edu/gnp
Hawai'i has microfilmed 260,000 pages and cataloged 476 titles such as Windward Living and the Leeward Sun Press. The project, which includes papers in English, Hawaiian, and Portugese, received $72,402 in NEH support.
Hamilton Library
2550 McCarthy Mall
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Honolulu, HI 96822
telephone: 808-956-7205
e-mail: library@hawaii.edu
Web site: http://manoa.hawaii.edu/library/research/collections/digital-image-collection/explore-our-digital-collections/
Participant in NDNP: http://manoa.hawaii.edu/library/research/collections/digital-image-collection/explore-our-digital-collections/
Idaho newspapers such as The Blackfoot Optimist, The Blab, and The Fruitland Banner are among the 300,000 pages microfilmed. Holdings are indexed by city. The project received $59,040 in NEH support.
John Yandell, Archivist
Idaho Historical Society
2205 Old Penitentiary Road
Boise, ID 83712-8250
telephone: 208-334-3356
e-mail: john.yandell@ishs.idaho.gov
Web site: https://history.idaho.gov/archives-collections
Participant in NDNP beginning 2013
The Illinois Newspaper Project has cataloged more than 20,500 titles and microfilmed 2,019,419 pages of Illinois newspapers. The project was a collaborative effort between two offices, which received a total of $5,176,621 in NEH support.
Project at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign:
Marek Sroka
History, Philosophy, and Newspaper Library
1408 West Gregory Drive
Urbana, IL 61801
telephone: 217-265-8025
e-mail: msroka@illinois.edu
Web site:http://www.library.uiuc.edu/inp/
Project at Chicago History Museum Research Center:
Linda Evans, Chief Cataloger
Chicago Historical Society
1601 North Clark Street
Chicago, IL 60614-6038
telephone: 312-799-2036
Also, the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library cooperates with the Illinois Newspaper Project and preserves originals and microfilm of many Illinois newspapers:
112 N. 6th Street,
Springfield, IL 62701
telephone: 217-785-7956
Web site: https://www.illinois.gov/alplm/library/collections/newspaper/Pages/default.aspx
Participant in NDNP: http://www.library.illinois.edu/inp/
More than 900,000 pages have been microfilmed by the Indiana Historical Society in Indiana. The Indiana Newspaper Project, a 25-year project to preserve historic newspapers, includes newspapers dating back to the 1830s and is searchable online. It received $542,272 in NEH support.
David Turk
Manager, Preservation Imaging Services
Indiana Historical Society
450 W. Ohio St.
Indianapolis, IN 46202
telephone: 317-232-4592
e-mail: dturk@indianahistory.org
Web site: http://www.Indianahistory.org
Participant in NDNP: Indiana State Library http://www.in.gov/library/
Iowa newspapers such as the Royal Booster, the Walnut Bureau, and the Ackley Phonograph are included in the 3.9 million pages microfilmed. The project received $695,338 in NEH support.
Delpha Musgrave
Local Government Records/Newspapers
State Historical Society of Iowa
402 Iowa Avenue
Iowa City, IA 52240
telephone: 515-281-5655
e-mail: Delpha.Musgrave@iowa.gov
Web site: https://iowaculture.gov/history/research/collections/newspapers/iowa-digital-newspaper-project
Participant in NDNP: State Historical Museum of Iowa
Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs
600 E. Locust Street
Des Moines, IA 50319
telephone: 515-281-6860
e-mail: millie.frese@iowa.gov
The Kansas Newspaper Project has microfilmed 1.6 million pages and cataloged 10,330 titles. The project received $72,976 in NEH support. Microfilmed newspapers are available through interlibrary loan. A database of titles that are available for loan can be searched at the Web site listed below.
Patricia Michaelis
Director, Library and Archives Division
Kansas State Historical Society
6425 SW 6th Avenue
Topeka, KS 66615-1099
telephone: 785-272-8681 x270
e-mail: pmichaelis@kshs.org
Web site: http://www.kshs.org/library/news.htm
Participant in NDNP: http://www.kshs.org/p/kansas-digital-newspaper-program/16126
The Kentucky Yeoman and the Blue Grass Blade, True American, and the Kentucke Gazette are among 4,750 titles cataloged and the more than 1.5 million pages microfilmed by the project. The University of Kentucky Libraries received $564,523 in NEH support.
Kopana Terry
Program Manager, KY-NDNP
University of Kentucky
110 M. I. King Building
Lexington, KY 40506-0039
telephone: 859-257-3210
e-mail: klterr0@uky.edu
Web site: http://kdl.kyvl.org/
Participant in NDNP: http://www.uky.edu/Libraries/NDNP/
The 1794 New Orleans Moniteur de la Louisiane, the state's first French newspaper, is among the 4.8 million pages microfilmed. The project received $303,073 in NEH support.
Sheila Lee
Project Coordinator
Louisiana Newspaper Project, Special Collections
Louisiana State University Libraries
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
telephone: 225-578-6339
e-mail: slee10@lsu.edu
Web site: https://www.lib.lsu.edu/special/CC/louisiana-newspapers
Participant in NDNP: https://www.lib.lsu.edu/special/CC/louisiana-newspapers
Maine has microfilmed 356,000 pages of publications dating back to 1785 when Maine was part of Massachusetts. Titles include the Squirrel Island Squid and the Twin-Towns Screamer. The project received $435,984 in NEH support.
Janet Roberts
Project Coordinator, Maine Newspaper Project
Maine State Archives
#84 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0084
telephone: 207-287-5791
e-mail: janet.roberts@maine.gov
Web site: http://digitalmaine.com/newspapers/
Among the 2 million pages microfilmed in Maryland are the Log Cabin Advocate and Saint Mary's Beacon. The project, which is searchable online, received $347,170 in NEH support.
Jennifer Hafner
Deputy Director, Research and Student Outreach
Maryland State Archives
350 Rowe Boulevard
Annapolis, MD 21401
telephone: 410-260-6474
fax: 410-974-3895
e-mail: jenh@mdsa.net or mdnewspapers@mdarchives.state.md.us
Web site: http://speccol.mdarchives.state.md.us/msa/speccol/catalog/newspapers/cfm/index.cfm
Participant in NDNP: University of Maryland http://www.lib.umd.edu/
The 1690 Publick Occurrences, America's first newspaper, is among 8,127 titles cataloged. The project, which includes several famous abolitionist newspapers, received $770,942 in NEH support.
Massachusetts Newspaper Program
Research Library Office
Boston Public Library
700 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02116
telephone: 617-536-5400 x 4236
e-mail: speccoll@bpl.org
Web site: http://www.bpl.org/research/microtext/mnp.htm
The Michigan Newspaper Project has cataloged 4,446 titles and microfilmed more than 900,000 pages of newsprint, including newspapers in more than seventeen languages. The project received $1,181,258 in NEH support.
Kevin Driedger
Michigan Newspaper Project
Library of Michigan
P.O. Box 30007
702 W. Kalamazoo St.
Lansing, MI 48909
telephone: 517-373-9440
e-mail: kdriedger@michigan.gov
Web site:
Frank Boles, Director
Clarke Historical Library
Park 142
Central Michigan University
Mount Pleasant, MI 48859
telephone: 989-774-3352
e-mail: boles1fj@cmich.edu
Web site: https://www.cmich.edu/library/clarke/Pages/Michigan-Digital-Newspaper-Portal.aspx
Participant in NDNP
The project has microfilmed 4.1 million pages and contains more than three hundred editions commemorating inaugurations and town centennials. The project received $868,135 in NEH support
Brigid Sheilds
Minnesota Historical Society
345 Kellogg Blvd., West
St. Paul, MN 55102-1906
telephone: 651-296-2143
e-mail: brigid.shields@mnhs.org
Web site: http://www.mnhs.org/
Participant in NDNP: http://www.mnhs.org/collections/projects/ndnp.htm
The Mississippi Newspaper Project includes newspapers from more than two hundred towns; 830,000 pages have been microfilmed. The project received $402,063 in NEH support.
Preston Everett
Reformatting Supervisor
Mississippi Department of Archives and History
200 North Street
Jackson, MS 39201
telephone: 601-576-6999
e-mail: peverett@mdah.state.ms.us
Web site: http://opac2.mdah.state.ms.us/msnews1.php
Participant in NDNP beginning in 2013
The St. Louis Lightning Express, the Far West, and the Missouri Mule are among the 3,400 titles cataloged and 236,000 pages microfilmed. The project received $794,974 in NEH support. The University Libraries of the University of Missouri-Kansas City administered the Missouri State Newspaper Project. Collections of newspapers and the microfilm of the newspapers are available at the State Historical Society of Missouri.
Gary Kremer
Executive Director
State Historical Society of Missouri
Newspaper Library
1020 Lowry Street
Columbia, MO 65201-7298
telephone: 573-882-7083
e-mail: shsofmo@umsystem.edu
Web site: https://shsmo.org/newspaper/mdnp/
Participant in NDNP: https://shsmo.org/newspaper/mdnp/
The Montana Newspaper Project has microfilmed 320,000 pages, among them the Bitter Root Journal and the Sweetgrass Boulder Blade.The project received $126,181 in support from NEH.
Brian Shovers
Library Manager
Montana Historical Society Research Center
225 N. Roberts
Helena, MT 59620-1201
telephone: 406-444-2681
Web site: http://montanahistoricalsociety.org
Participant in NDNP: http://mhs.mt.gov/research/collections/newspapers/mtnews
The project has microfilmed 300,000 pages and includes temperance publications, ethnic newspapers, and women's rights newspapers. The project received $729,366 in NEH support.
Katherine L. Walter
319 Love Library
Digitial Initiatives and Special Collections Department
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Lincoln, NE 68588-4100
telephone: 402-472-3939
e-mail: kwalter1@unl.edu
Web site: http://nebnewspapers.unl.edu/
This project was conducted in cooperation with:
Nebraska State Historical Society
Andrea Faling
P.O. Box 82554
Lincoln, NE 68501
telephone: 402-471-4785
e-mail: andrea.faling@nebraskahistory.org
Web site: http://www.nebraskahistory.org/lib-arch/whadoin/newspapr.htm
Participant in NDNP: http://nebnewspapers.unl.edu
The Nevada Newspaper Project has cataloged 975 titles such as the Sagebrush Stockman, the Snowbound, and the Battle Mountain Scout. The project received $114,360 in NEH support.
Donnelyn Curtis
Special Collections Department
University Library-322
University of Nevada-Reno
Reno, NV 89557-0044
telephone: 775-784-6500 x 317
e-mail: dcurtis@unr.edu
Web site: https://library.unr.edu/specoll/
More than one million pages have been microfilmed in New Hampshire, encompassing more than 1,644 titles published from 1756 to 1993. The project received $764,572 in NEH support. The library of Dartmouth College administered the New Hampshire State Newspaper Project. Collections of newspapers and the microfilm of the newspapers are available at the New Hampshire State Library.
New Hampshire State Library
Mary Russell
20 Park Street
Concord, NH 03301
telephone: 603-271-2310
e-mail: mary.russell@dcr.nh.gov
Web site: http://www.nh.gov/nhsl/nhais/newspaper_project.html
The New Jersey Newspaper Project has microfilmed 3.15 million pages dating back to 1777. The project received $879,901 in support from NEH.
Greg Gill
New Jersey Division of Archives and Records Management
P.O. Box 307
Trenton, NJ 08625-0307
telephone: 609-984-3296
e-mail: gregory.gill@sos.state.nj.us
Web site: http://www.state.nj.us/state/archives/
The Horse Fly and the Los Cerrillos Rustler are two of the 1,599 titles cataloged; 500,000 pages have been microfilmed. The project, which is searchable online, received $655,790 in NEH support.
Claire-Lise Benaud
Dave Rixse
University of New Mexico
Zimmerman Library
MSC 053020
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131
telephone: 505-277-8907 or 505-277-7350
e-mail: clbenaud@unm.edu or drixse@unm.edu
Web site: http://econtent.unm.edu/cdm4/index_NewMexicoNewspapers.php
Participant in NDNP: http://elibrary.unm.edu/
The New-York Gazette, first published in 1725, is among the 4.27 million pages microfilmed. The project, which includes the original 1897 New York Sun article "Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa-Claus," received $6,051,746 in NEH support.
Jeff Sohn, Project Coordinator
New York State Newspaper Project
New York State Library
Cultural Education Center 6th Floor
Empire State Plaza
Albany, NY 12230
telephone: 518-474-7491; fax: 518-474-5786
e-mail: jsohn@mail.nysed.gov or nysnp@mail.nysed.gov
Web site: http://www.nysl.nysed.gov/nysnp/
Participant in NDNP: New York Public Library http://www.nypl.org/collections/preservation-division/digital-preservation-development
North Carolina has microfilmed 3 million pages of newspapers such as the North Carolina Gazette, first published in 1751. The project, which includes papers from ninety-nine out of one hundred counties, received $1,334,095 in NEH support.
Rebecca Paden
Supervisor, Imaging Unit
Collections Management Branch
North Carolina State Archives
4614 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-4614
telephone: 919-807-7333
e-mail: rebecca.paden@ncdcr.gov
Yvonne Duke
Technical Services Branch Head
State Library of North Carolina
4644 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-4644
telephone: 919-807-7449
e-mail: yduke@library.dcr.state.nc.us
Web site: http://statelibrary.ncdcr.gov/reference/newspapers.html
Participant in NDNP: http://www.lib.unc.edu/
The project has microfilmed 3.3 million pages of papers, including the Farmers Ralroad, the Wyndmere Missile, and the Gladstone Rustler, a cowboy publication. The project received $205,809 in NEH support.
Ann B. Jenks
State Archivist
State Historical Society of North Dakota
612 East Boulevard
Bismarck, ND 58505-0830
telephone: 701-328-2090
e-mail: ajenks@nd.gov
Web site: http://history.nd.gov/archives/whatnewspapers.html
Participant in NDNP: http://history.nd.gov/archives/whatnewspapers.html
The project has cataloged 4,500 titles and microfilmed 3.3 million pages. Holdings are searchable online by title, city, and county. The project has received $1,484,884 in NEH support.
Lisa Wood
Collections, Historic Preservation and Statewide Outreach Division
Ohio Historical Society
1982 Velma Avenue
Columbus, OH 43211
telephone: 614-297-2589
e-mail: Lwood@ohiohistory.org
Web site: http://catalog.ohiohistory.org/Presto/home/home.aspx
Participant in NDNP: http://catalog.ohiohistory.org/Presto/home/home.aspx
The project has microfilmed 370,500 pages and includes the 1844 Cherokee Advocate, the first newspaper in the state, published in English and Cherokee. The project received $852,307 in NEH support.
William D. Welge
Director, Research Division
Oklahoma History Center
800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive
Oklahoma City, OK 73105-7914
telephone: 405-522-5225 (reference)
e-mail: mrarchives@okhistory.org
Chad Williams
Deputy Director, Research Division
Oklahoma History Center
800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive
Oklahoma City, OK 73105-7914
telephone: 405-522-3569
e-mail: chadw@okhistory.org
Web site: http://www.okhistory.org/research/collections/newspapers.html
Participant in NDNP: http://gateway.okhistory.org/
The project has microfilmed 651,873 pages, among them the Bumblebee and the Weekly Bedrock Democrat. The project received $1,090,573 in NEH support.
Mark R. Watson
Associate University Librarian for Collections and Access
University of Oregon Libraries
1299 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-1299
telephone: 541-346-1896
e-mail: mrwatson@uoregon.edu
Web site:http://library.uoregon.edu/cmet/image_svcs/onp/index.html
Participant in NDNP: http://library.uoregon.edu/diglib/odnp/index.html
The 1719 American Weekly Mercury, the first newspaper published in Pennsylvania, is among the 3.32 million pages microfilmed. The project received $1,903,196 in NEH support.
Alice L. Lubrecht
Director, Bureau of State Library
Pennsylvania Department of Education
Office of Commonwealth Libraries
Forum 318
607 South Drive
Harrisburg, PA 17120-0600
telephone: 717-783-5968
fax: 717-705-3798
e-mail: alubrecht@pa.gov
Web site: https://sites.psu.edu/ourstorycentralpausnewspaperproject/
Participant in NDNP: Pennsylvania State University
(History of the development of the USNP project available at https://sites.psu.edu/ourstorycentralpausnewspaperproject/)
The Puerto Rico Newspaper Project is microfilming 1.5 million pages and cataloging 650 titles. The project received $164,271 in NEH support.
María E. Ordóñez
Library System
University of Puerto Rico
P.O. Box 23302
San Juan, Puerto Rico 00931-3302
telephone: 787-764-0000 x 3471 or 3463
e-mail: mordone@rrpac.upr.clu.edu or marisaordonez@yahoo.com
Web site: http://biblioteca.uprrp.edu/
Participant in NDNP beginning 2013
The 1732 Rhode Island Gazette, the state's first newspaper, is among the 450,000 pages that have been microfilmed. The project has received $370,877 in NEH support.
Phoebe S. Bean
Printed Collection & Conservation Librarian
Rhode Island Historical Society Library
121 Hope Street
Providence, RI 02906
telephone: 401-273-8107 ext 24
e-mail: psbean@rihs.org
Web site: http://www.rihs.org/
The first newspaper in the Royal colony of South Carolina appeared when Thomas Whitemarsh produced the South-Carolina Gazette in 1732. In the 19th century, ethnic newspapers served the German and Irish communities and today's Hispanic communities are reached by papers with Hispanic titles. The project has microfilmed 990,332 pages with $397,893 in NEH support.
Allen Stokes
South Caroliniana Library
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208
telephone: 803-777-3131
e-mail: stokesa@gwm.sc.edu
Web site: http://www.sc.edu/library/socar/books.html#newspapers
Participant in NDNP: http://library.sc.edu/digital/newspaper/index.html
The project has cataloged 1,000 titles and includes articles dating back to 1859, thirty years before statehood. The project received $245,273 in NEH support.
Marvene Riis
Librarian, South Dakota State Historical Society
South Dakota State Archives
900 Governors Drive
Pierre, SD 57501-2217
telephone: 605-773-4233
e-mail: marvene riis@state.sd.us
Web site: http://history.sd.gov/forms/NewspaperArchive.aspx
The Tennessee Newspaper Project has cataloged 10,300 newspapers with publication dates from the 18th to the 21st century. Interesting titles include the Bolivar Palladium from the early 1800s, Carthage Casket from the mid 1800s, Mountain Ears from the 1930s, and the Gas Bag from the 1940s. The project received $1,477,872 in NEH support.
Joanne Deeken
University Libraries
University of Tennessee-Knoxville
Knoxville, TN 37996-1000
telephone: 865-974-4702
e-mail: jdeeken@utk.edu
Web site:http://www.lib.utk.edu/tnp/
Participant in NDNP: http://www.lib.utk.edu/tndp/
Among the 1,194,041 pages microfilmed are the Blooming Grove Rustler and the Evening News and Dinner Horn. The project, which includes the newspapers of Jewish, Czech, and German settlers, received $1,401,998 in NEH support.
Stephanie Malmros, Project Manager
Center for American History
University of Texas
1 University Station, D1100
Austin, TX 78712
telephone: 512-495-4557
e-mail: smalmros@mail.utexas.edu
Web site: http://www.cah.utexas.edu/newspapers/tnp.html
Participant in NDNP: University of North Texas http://texashistory.unt.edu/explore/collections/TDNP/
The US. Virgin Islands Newspaper Project has cataloged fifty-seven titles with $16,275 in NEH support.
Beverly Smith
Library Technician
Von Scholten Collection
20 Dronningens Gade
St. Thomas, USVI 00802
telephone: 340-774-0630
e-mail: YGS57@hotmail.com
Web site: http://virginislandspace.org/Division%20of%20Libraries/libraryresources.html
The Earnest Worker, Beehive News, and Utah Scandinav are among the 1,263 titles cataloged by the Utah Newspaper Project. The project received $112,595 in NEH support.
Sandy Allgood or John Herbert
Serials Order Department, Marriott Library
295 South 1500 E
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0860
telephone: 801-581-6046
e-mail: sandy.allgood@utah.edu or john.herbert@utah.edu
Web site: https://newspapers.lib.utah.edu/search
Participant in NDNP: http://digitalnewspapers.org/
The 267,000 pages of microfilmed holdings include Vermont's first newspaper, the Vermont Gazette, or Green Mountain Post Boy, which was printed in 1781 by Judah Padock Spooner and Timothy Green in Westminster on the historic Dresden Press (the first official printing press of the state of Vermont). Newspapers for Italian, French-Canadian, Slavic, and other immigrant groups working in the state's quarries, lumberyards, and textile factories are also represented. The project received $427,894 in NEH support.
Birdie MacLennan
Interim Head, Collection Management Services
Bailey/Howe Library
University of Vermont
Burlington, VT 05405-0036
telephone: 802-656-2016
e-mail: birdie.maclennan@uvm.edu
Lorraine Lanius
Head, Technical Services Unit
Vermont Department of Libraries
109 State Street
Montpelier, VT 05609-0601
telephone: 802-828-3261
e-mail: lorraine.lanius@dol.state.vt.us
Web site: http://library.uvm.edu/vtnp/?page_id=2673
Participant in NDNP:http://library.uvm.edu/vtnp/
The first Virginia Gazette, printed in 1736, and the Richmond Planet, an African American newspaper from the Reconstruction period, are among 477,000 pages microfilmed. The program received $3,417,158 in NEH support.
Errol Somay, Project Director
Library of Virginia
800 East Broad Street
Richmond, VA 23219-1905
telephone: 804-692-3559
e-mail: esomay@lva.lib.va.us
Web site: https://virginiachronicle.com/
Participant in NDNP: http://www.virginiamemory.com/collections/virginia_newspapers
The Washington State Newspaper Project has microfilmed 1.5 million pages and cataloged 2,200 titles with $432,363 in NEH support.
Marlys Rudeen
Deputy State Librarian
Washington State Library
P.O. Box 42460
Olympia, WA 98504-2460
telephone: 360-704-7132
e-mail: mrudeen@secstate.wa.gov
Web site: http://www.secstate.wa.gov/library/newspapers_wsl.aspx
Participant in NDNP: http://www.sos.wa.gov/library/
Among the 460,000 microfilmed pages and 1,180 cataloged titles are the Wheeling Intelligencer, the Point Pleasant Register, the Spirit of Jefferson-Farmers Advocate, and the Charleston Gazette. The project received $171,294 in NEH support.
Harold M. Forbes
West Virginia University Libraries
P.O. Box 6069
Morgantown, WV 26506-6069
telephone: 304-293-3536; fax: 304-293-3981
e-mail: hforbes@wvu.edu
Web site: http://www.libraries.wvu.edu/wvcollection/newspapers.htm
Participant in NDNP: http://www.libraries.wvu.edu/wvcollection/newspapers.htm
The project includes Native American and African American newspapers, as well as underground newspapers from the 1960s. Two thousand titles have been cataloged. The project received $130,472 in NEH support.
James P. Danky
Wisconsin Historical Society
816 State Street
Madison, WI 53706
telephone: 608-264-6598
e-mail: jpdanky@whs.wisc.edu
Web site: http://www.wisconsinhistory.org/libraryarchives/collections/news.asp
The Wyoming Newspaper Project has microfilmed 219,000 pages and cataloged 445 titles with $266,192 in NEH support.
Deborah McCarthy
Head of Technical Services
University of Wyoming Libraries
Box 3334
Laramie, WY 82071
telephone: 307-766-4228
e-mail: mccarthy@uwyo.edu
Web site: http://www-lib.uwyo.edu/
National Newspaper Repositories
The American Antiquarian Society cataloged 14,324 titles with $340,071 in NEH support.
Vincent Golden
Curator of Newspapers, Newspaper Department
185 Salisbury Street
Worcester, MA 01609
telephone: 508-471-2148
e-mail: vgolden@mwa.org
Web site: http://www.americanantiquarian.org/newspapers.htm
The society has compiled a listing that provides information on whether a state has an online index of newspaper holdings. The listing includes links to the online indexes. The URL for the newspaper index listing is http://www.americanantiquarian.org/newspapers9.htm
The Center for Research Libraries cataloged 1,035 titles with $35,743 in NEH support.
Bernard F. Reilly
Project Director
6050 South Kenwood Avenue
Chicago, IL 60637
telephone: 773-955-4545 ext. 334; fax: 773-955-4339
e-mail: reilly@crl.edu
Web site: http://www.crl.edu/content.asp?l1=5
The Kansas State Historical Society cataloged 10,330 titles with $353,376 in NEH support. A database of titles that are available for interlibrary loan can be searched at the Web site listed below.
Patricia Michaelis
Director, Library and Archives Division
6425 SW 6th Avenue
Topeka, KS 66615-1099
telephone: 785-272-8681, x270
e-mail: pmichaelis@kshs.org
Web site: http://www.kshs.org/library/news.htm
The Library of Congress cataloged 14,350 titles.
Serial and Government Publications Division
Newspaper and Current Periodical Reading Room
Library of Congress
Washington, DC 20540-4760
telephone: 202-707-5690
e-mail: rpac@loc.gov
Web site: http://www.loc.gov/rr/news/
The New York Public Library microfilmed 2 million pages and cataloged 7,000 titles with $1,020,745 in NEH support.
Evelyn Frangakis
Chief Librarian for Preservation
New York Public Library
Barbara Goldsmith Preservation Division
Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street
New York, NY 10018
telephone: 212-930-0567
e-mail: efrangakis@nypl.org
Web site: http://www.nypl.org/
Participant in NDNP: http://www.nypl.org/collections/preservation-division/digital-preservation-development
The New York Historical Society cataloged 9,080 titles with $290,637 in NEH support.
Mariam Touba
170 Central Park West
New York, NY 10024
telephone: 212-873-3400 x225 or x226
e-mail: reference@nyhistory.org
Web site: http://www.nyhistory.org/
Rutgers University cataloged 3,139 titles with $71,677 in NEH support.
Ronald Becker
Head, Special Collections
Rutgers University Libraries
169 College Avenue
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1163
telephone: 732-932-7006 x362
e-mail: rbecker@rci.rutgers.edu
Web site: https://www.libraries.rutgers.edu/scua
The Western Reserve Historical Society cataloged 3,920 titles with $180,532 in NEH support.
Marian Sweton
10825 East Boulevard
Cleveland, OH 44106
telephone: 216-721-5722
e-mail: msweton@wrhs.org
Web site: http://www.wrhs.org/
The Wisconsin Historical Society cataloged 7,000 titles with $350,848 in NEH support.
James P. Danky
Newspaper and Periodicals Librarian
816 State Street
Madison, WI 53706
telephone: 608-264-6598
e-mail: jpdanky@whs.wisc.edu
Web site: http://www.wisconsinhistory.org/libraryarchives/collections/news.asp